The Graveyard Chronicles

Link directory

Heres some other sites you should check out, plus my button if you want to link back here.



Fallen London:Free browser based game, excellent writing, Steampunk/Gaslamp fantasy setting

What is a MUD:An introduction to multi-user dungeons

Grapevine:Where you'll be heading once you know what a MUD is

Tamanotchi:A very very very simple pet simulator

My emulator online:Exactly what it says on the tin

Why was he sad:A simple soothing browser game where you pop clouds, I've been told it's good for taking your mind off of self harming impulses but cannot attest to that myself, pretty mesmerising either way

Little Alchemy:Another browser game, here you combine elements to make new elements which you can combine to make new elements which you can

Paint BBS:Online pixel painting! Does require a sign up

Pokemon booster pack simulator:Exactly what it says on the tin, open randomised booster packs

Pokefarmq:A browser game and pet simulator where you raise pokemon

Charat me: A cute dress up game

Mr Dood Solitare: A satisfying solitaire win screen

Divorced men: poke Mr Regain Mob Psycho, only works on desktop at the moment

Picto chat online: A recreation of Picto chat.

Online Media

Read Epithet Erased:Buy his book buy his book buy his book (To be clear this is a shrine)

Law of Talos Doc:A list of all existing entries in the Law of Talos OCT with links

The Chronic Argonauts: H.G Wells prototype of The Time Machine free online

Paranatural:A brilliant comedy/action webcomic about ghosts and the people who can see them, engaging story, great sense of humour, intresting characters, and still updating regularly. You should read Paranatural

Anime Campaign Archive

How to play Epithets/Anime campaign Google Doc

AC 1 official

AC 2 official

Red Stitch Report (A non official campaign run by a member of the OG AC cast)

Red Stitch Report Character Creation

Red Stitch Report Rule Book

Anime Campaign's Jukebox

Anime Campaign ep 0 recap

Flipnote Archive: A site dedicated to archiving as many old flipnotes as possible

Like Gravity:A web zine on asexual history

Armstreet: Buy medival armour, good for reference images or just to have a browse

Homestar runner: An old school web series

Graphics, Stamps, and Blinkies

Mike's graphics:An excellent collection of stamps, blinkies, buttons, avatars, and pixels. Very easy to navigate

Adrian's Blinkie Collection:Some of my favourite blinkies and stamps here

Blinkie Maker:Essential site, easy and quick to use

Vampyre:Blinkies, graphics, stamps, ect, all wrapped up in a really cool layout

Raining-starss:Stamps stamps stamps

Sal's Collections:Can you tell I like graphics

Web Button Maker:A github button maker, free and easy to use

Christopher Johnson's Ascii art:Exactly what it says on the tin

Animated Engines:A bunch of very simply drawn but nonetheless very complex animations. These buggers are mesmerising

Make Sweet:You ever see those 3D heart lockets in memes? Here's were you make em

Picasion:Make your own glitter text

Art bits from Hypercard:Black and white graphics from old macintosh computers. Proper old school clip art

99 gif shop:Lots of cool graphics themed like an old online shopping site

Gifcities:An archive of old gifs and graphics, really easy to search

Bonnibel's graphic collection: Very well organised and worth checking out

Texture town:Lots of free tile textures for backgrounds

Pet Pet:You ever see those gifs of a hand patting a character’s head? here's were you make them

Snagged Onedrive:A fuckton of resources including: Blinkie templates,buttons, dolls, and pixels

Lovesick Cafe: Loads of cute pixels and backgrounds here

User box generator: Exactly what it says on the tin

Ascii Generator:Exactly what it says on the tin, a little like cheating but still fun

Safety Sign Generator: Exactly what it says on the tin

Coding help

Teppy's layouts and tips:Neocities layouts, dividers, graphics, emoticons, ect

32bit cafe:All about the small Web, plus a bunch of resources for making your own site

32bit's resources:I know I've already added 32bit to this list but their resource list is so large and well organised it deserves its own bullet point, everything you could ever want Web related is right here

Html cheat sheet:A bunch of Html code snippets, not just copy and paste stuff either but some tools to generate links, iframes, ect. These have CSS and Java versions too

Create Blog: A metric fuckton of free layouts organised by colour

Nano Gallery: Easy Html Gallery builder Loads of tilable backgrounds

Toptal:Subtle tilable backgrounds, good for putting behind text

Jordan Finneran:Easy Html only collapsible sections

Kalechips:Some more layout bases

Portfiend: A good beginers guide to HTML

Mdn web docs: A list of all the elements used in HTML with descriptions

Website Planet: Basic HTML code for beginers

Tessiamess: A layout for your character profiles


Ichigo Directory:A directory dedicated to archiving cute sites and layouts, easy to fall down a rabbit hole in here

Marginalia Search:An independent search engine, no algorithms or ads tampering with results, good for finding old school sites.

Cloud Hiker: Get sent to a random website, I have found so many interesting things through this site, you get alot of people's personal hobby sites

Easy USSR:The definitive guide to piracy Palestine with one click a day. Each click tells advertisers on the site that they're getting engagement (whether you actually look at any ads or not) and the money generated goes to support UNRWA to assist the Palestinian peopleWatermelon

Onelook:A reverse dictionary for when you can't remember the word

Wonder of wonder art:Create simple dancing animations of your character

Webring lists:A Web ring directory, you can find so many new sites this way

Genice Cream:A tutorial on how to better draw knight's armour